Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

• Il’enkova S.D., Gokhberg L.M., Yagudin S.Yu. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: uchebnik [Innovation Management: Textbook].

Keywords: strategic planning; strategic management; the mission of the enterprise. Such foreign scholars as I. Vikhanskiy O. S., Naumov A. Management: Textbook [Menedzhment: Uchebnik]. 8, available at: 17. Inzhenernaya ekologiya i ekologicheskiy menedzhment. Uchebnik on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Uchebnik (Russian) Hardcover – 2011.

Moscow: Yuniti, 1997. Available at: php?q=lib&r=13&id=&p=34 • Pikanov M.I. Formirovanie strategii innovatsionnogo razvitiya regiona [Formation of the Strategy for Innovation Development of the Region]. Ekonomika i upravlenie [Economics and Management], 2011, no.

• Armstrong M. Praktika upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami [A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice]. Available at: (Accessed December 11, 2013). • Nelson R., Phelps E.

Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion, and Economic Growth. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 1966, no.

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• Fursik S.N. Kachestvo chelovecheskogo potentsiala kak faktor innovatsionnogo razvitiya ekonomiki regiona [Quality of Human Capital as a Factor Promoting Innovation Development of the Region’s Economy]. Problemy razvitiya territorii [Problems of Territory’s Development], 2014, no. • Guzakova O.L., Fursik S.N., Andronovich S.A. Kachestvo chelovecheskogo kapitala kak faktor ekonomicheskogo rosta: monografiya [The Quality of Human Capital as a Factor in Economic Growth: Monograph]. Under scientific editorship of O.L. Vologda: VGPU, 2011.

• Shabunova A.A., Chekmareva E.A. Trudovoi potentsial regiona: ucheb. Posobie dlya vuzov [Labor Potential of the Region: Textbook for Higher Schools]. Vologda: ISERT RAN, 2010. • Doklad o razvitii chelovecheskogo potentsiala v Rossiiskoi Federatsii za 2011 g. [National Human Development Report for the Russian Federation 2011]. Auzan and S.N.

Moscow: PROON v RF, 2011. • Zarubina N.N. Chelovecheskie resursy rossiiskoi modernizatsii: k novoi paradigme issledovaniya [Human Resources of Russian Modernization toward a New Research Paradigm]. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta [Bulletin of MGIMO University], 2010, no. • Simkina L.G., Kritskii M.M., Sudova T.L., Selishcheva T.A.

Chelovecheskii kapital i problemy formirovaniya innovatsionnoi ekonomiki: monografiya [Human Capital and the Issues of Building an Innovation Economy: Monograph]. Saint Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2007.

• Tikhonova N.E. Chelovecheskii potentsial rossiiskikh modernistov i perspektivy modernizatsii v Rossii [Human Potential of the Russian Modernists and the Prospects of Modernization in Russia].

Terra Economicus, 2012, vol. K voprosu o sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi modernizatsii rossiiskikh regionov [On the Issue of Socio-Economic Modernization of Russian Regions]. Ekonomicheskie i sotsial’nye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz [Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast], 2012, no. • Simkina L.G., Kritskii M.M., Sudova T.L., Selishcheva T.A. Chelovecheskii kapital i problemy formirovaniya innovatsionnoi ekonomiki: monografiya [Human Capital and the Issues of Building an Innovation Economy: Monograph]. Saint Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2007.

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